Monday, September 14, 2009

Dublin Fucking City

I don't want to sound like Hitler or anything but recently I've been thinking alot about selective breeding and how it would be a good idea in Dublin to have central control of breeding activities. Unlike Mr. Adolf though- the aul bitch, I don't invision a super-race where Ireland will one day win an Olympic medal without it taken off us for doping, but there is a generation of mindless scum out there walking the streets like zombies, that simply should not be allowed to procreate.

Just last night as my girlfriend and I walked home from dinner, we witnessed an example of this. Two tracksuit-clad slouching, leering, sneering, spot a young Asian woman across the road. One makes his move as the other keeps sketch for GardaĆ­ (as if they'll be around anyway) or any would-be hero. He creeps up behind her, wrestles her bag off her as she wails in despair.

Welcome to Ireland.

The other scummer leers "fuck off or I'll stab ye te bits".

I wonder how many more bags did they steal that night, or how many bags across Dublin were stolen by these remorseless and malicious excuses for human-beings.

It's not even the muggings, if I had a Euro for everytime I was started on for looking like a faggeh by these scummers I'd have enough for a burberry cap anyway.

It's worrying too, you look at gangs around the world, members are attracted by status, a fraternity, security... These zombies in Dublin aren't looking for that. Their ample social welfare packet isn't enough. So they wreak havoc on you, me, your mother, your grandmother, because they can.

If this generation is as bad as this, it makes me sick to the stomach to think of what the next generation is going to be like. That's why the zombies should not be allowed to procreate. They have nothing to offer society. They drain the system. It's all well and good to try and rehabilitate them but in this day and age of tabloid culture, our Jeremy Kyle and Jade Goody followers, it's not only acceptable, but it has become the norm to be fucked up and to fuck things up.

Apologies for the coherency of this blog, I know I'm typing as if I'm talking but when I'm passionate about something I tend to wax lyrical a tad.

C'mon everybody, let's cull the scum..